I’m an ICF (International Coach Federation) certified coach, graduated from the Coaching For Transformation program, New York, and a Bach Centre, UK, certified Bach Flower Practitioner. I’m also a facilitator and teacher and have been working in the mental-emotional well-being space since 2016. I started my coaching practice working with Harvard Business School students and now have a private practice based out of San Francisco, USA. I take clients both in-person and from all over the globe through video.
Apart from my work as a coach, I’ve also been a professional photographer for over two decades, with a passion for helping people see the extraordinary beauty in their seemingly ordinary everyday lives (www.shootingtara.com).
I look forward to hearing your stories, and helping you find your own unique tools to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
Different from therapy, coaching involves a series of powerful conversations, that help you move forward towards your most cherished goals and, session by session, help you overcome the obstacles that stand in the way. Coaching conversations are powerful. They go deep. They get to the heart of the matter. They are bold. They can be transformative. And they can leave you feeling heard and held in way that you may never have experienced before.
We all have a default future. Coaching helps you design, and walk towards the future you truly desire.
A coach will hear you, cheer you, challenge you. And fiercely care for you.
A coach does not advise. A coach helps draw your own best answers out of you, using the skills of deep listening, empowering questions, careful observation, brainstorming, insight and intuition. A coach will hold you accountable to your dreams.
Join me for a Six-session package (followed by a review and recommitment if need be). This approach gives you the opportunity to reflect, take action steps and review progress each week. It is ideal for clients who don’t have an urgent issue but want clarity and movement in the stuck areas of their life.
Or a One day coaching intensive- Here we spend an entire day in powerful conversations. We identify your goals, work with blocks and create a concrete action plan. Expect to feel immensely inspired by the end of the day. The intensive is especially useful for clients who come with pressing and urgent issues. This includes two follow-up conversations to keep the momentum going.
If you have never worked with a Coach before and want to experience how I work one-on-one, let's schedule a free, deep-dive consultation – For one hour we’ll explore the areas of your life that are frustrating, confusing or painful. Together we’ll uncover where you currently are in life, where you want to go and what is really coming in the way. We’ll understand what is working for you and what isn’t and what possible course of action could immediately begin to set you on a better path.
Get In TouchIn addition to my work as a personal coach, I have also designed and facilitated workshops for students and young adults, to introduce them to concepts such as-
Each session is designed to hand concrete tools to students, which they can apply immediately to their lives.
I created these sessions because I never learnt these life skills when I was young. And how I wish I had. When I became a parent in 2018, these questions became more urgent: In this age of social media and technology, how do I teach my child healthy relationship building skills? Effective communication skills that retain connection? How do I help him be emotionally resilient? How do I help him deal with inevitable failures, while strengthening his self-esteem?
When I shared this content with students and parents, I got so much interest and requests for more sessions that I felt I had touched on a nerve. These workshops were inspired by deep, personal memories of what it felt like to be a young girl in school facing all sorts of challenges and not having effective tools to cope. Over time they came to be refined through hours and hours of conversations with today’s students and teenagers, facing today’s new challenges.
I’m a deeply committed educator and care enormously for my students so I’m happy to do a free one-hour deep dive conversation on what matters most to them. This would also give them a chance to experience a coaching relationship and see if it’s one they would find to be a meaningful investment of their time.
From our first session together, I felt a warmth and connection that I never felt with my previous therapists. She’s an effortless coach. I got immense clarity working with her. I highly, highly recommend her.
Tara is a truly gifted coach. She helped catapult me out of my state of stuckness and anxiety to feeling more confident and peaceful and finding clarity in important areas of my life. Her strong coaching skills combined with her genuine concern for my personal development really supported my growth. She did all this with compassion and without any judgment at all. I’m immensely grateful to her.
Tara is simply one of the warmest people I’ve met and is also the most fearless coach I’ve worked with. She was bold and caring and very, very intuitive.
She’s so good at what she does. And she’s also one of the nicest people I’ve worked with.
Her intuitions about me and my issues were bang on! You’re in safe hands with her.
It was the best use of my time and money to work with her.
Tara is so easy to open up with. She’s warm, even funny and very insightful. I renewed our contract four times because I didn’t want to let her go. Unlike my previous coach, she was extremely generous with her time as well. I never felt her looking at her watch to end our session simply because time was up.
She will help you get insights into your life and problems like no one else. Her brain works in the most creative ways. I left the chair across her feeling so much more confident than when I first met her. Thank you so much, Tara!
If you want to experience how I work one-on-one, let's schedule a free, deep-dive consultation.