What if there was a remedy that could heal your anxiety, irritability, anger, even your loneliness? What if there was a remedy that could boost your self-confidence and bring you greater inner calmness?

The Bach Flower Remedies do just that. They work to heal your challenging emotions and negative states of mind to bring deep, long-lasting healing. And all while being completely natural, safe, gentle, and with no harmful side-effects.

“Treat the cause, not the effect” – Dr. Edward Bach

The Bach Flower Remedies were discovered by English physician, bacteriologist, pathologist and homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach in the 1920s and 1930s. Having grown disillusioned by traditional medicine which only treated the symptoms of physical diseases and not their root cause, he left his lucrative medical practice to find a cure for peoples negative emotions - which he believed, were the real cause of physical illnesses. According to him, all diseases were the result of untreated negative emotions. So much of the cure, he believed, lay in treating those negative emotions.

Over the years, he found the 38 flower remedies, that worked to treat every single negative emotion and state of mind a human being could experience. Made out of flower essences, the remedies were simple to take, gentle on the body, and could be used by anybody- from men, women and children, to the pregnant and elderly, and even pets. He accumulated thousands of case studies to show how highly effective and powerful they were in healing the body and mind. In the next few decades, the use of his remedies spread worldwide, and they are now used all over the globe.

In a world where more and more people are becoming dependent on anti-anxiety, anti-depression pills, with damaging side-effects, the Bach Flower remedies provide a simple, effective alternative to feeling emotionally fitter.


The Remedies are Handmade with the highest quality ingredients

  • Flower essences: organic, biodynamic and wild-harvested in Britain, made in strict accordance with the preparation methods of Dr. Edward Bach.
  • Highest quality spring water
  • Organic, biodynamic brandy (natural preservative)
  • Organic, non GMO vegetable glycerine (used in kids and alcohol free remedies)

Flower remedies may be safe for people prone to allergies, but it is best to consult your doctor before consuming.
For those with alcohol sensitivities, it is best to consult with your doctor before consuming.
Because they are so dilute, they are considered vibrational medicine, containing only trace amounts of the original plant material.

If you are struggling with anxiety, irritability, or loneliness, Bach Flower Remedies can help you.
If your children are hyperactive or lack confidence, if your parents are despondent or have lost interest in life
If your partner has an anger problem you find hard to live with,
No matter how or what you're feeling ....

Bach Flower Remedies can help you.


From our first session together, I felt a warmth and connection that I never felt with my previous therapists. She’s an effortless coach. I got immense clarity working with her. I highly, highly recommend her.

New York


Tara is a truly gifted coach. She helped catapult me out of my state of stuckness and anxiety to feeling more confident and peaceful and finding clarity in important areas of my life. Her strong coaching skills combined with her genuine concern for my personal development really supported my growth. She did all this with compassion and without any judgment at all. I’m immensely grateful to her.

New York


Tara is simply one of the warmest people I’ve met and is also the most fearless coach I’ve worked with. She was bold and caring and very, very intuitive.

New Delhi


She’s so good at what she does. And she’s also one of the nicest people I’ve worked with.

New York


Her intuitions about me and my issues were bang on! You’re in safe hands with her.

San Francisco


It was the best use of my time and money to work with her.

New Delhi


Tara is so easy to open up with. She’s warm, even funny and very insightful. I renewed our contract four times because I didn’t want to let her go. Unlike my previous coach, she was extremely generous with her time as well. I never felt her looking at her watch to end our session simply because time was up.

New Delhi


She will help you get insights into your life and problems like no one else. Her brain works in the most creative ways. I left the chair across her feeling so much more confident than when I first met her. Thank you so much, Tara!

New Delhi

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